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Thrift Tutorial

This tutorial is known to be woefully incomplete, and is a work in progress. This skeleton is illustrative of what is being worked on and will soon be available.


  1. Download Thrift
  2. Build and Install
  3. Writing a Thrift file
  4. Using the Thrift Compiler
  5. Running a Thrift Server
  6. Running a Thrift Client
  1. Download Thrift

    To get started, download a copy of Thrift.
  2. Build and Install

    Next, build and install the Thrift libraries and compiler.
  3. Writing a Thrift file

    Let's define and create a simple service.
  4. Using the Thrift Compiler

    Invoke the Thrift compiler on the test file.
  5. Running a Thrift Server

    Fill in the server stubs and build the server.
  6. Running a Thrift Client

    Using the client libraries.